Our services

Complete end-to-end-setup

WHS compliance

This is where it all starts! We will work with you to clearly define the work you undertake and identify the areas of your operation that require attention. We can develop a list of requirements so you comply with the relevant legislation. This will include referencing the Act, Regulations, Codes of Practice, Australian Standards, Safe Work Procedures, guidelines and identify any areas of high risk work.

It is a legislative requirement that all people conducting business and undertakings and/or holding positions of management within an organisation have duties for the safety of themselves and all stakeholders and we will provide the most professional service to ensure the highest level of compliance is achieved.

Under the Building Act 2016, building owners are responsible for establishing a maintenance schedule for essential building services. In some cases a Building Surveyor will be involved to identify the essential services specific to particular buildings. Allow us to assist you with setting up the schedule and performing the inspections and maintenance inline with the schedule.

Systematic Risk Management

Systematic Risk Management involves establishing the context considering external and internal parameters and influences on the business. Identify the risk sources, analysis the risk to comprehend the nature of risk and the level of risk and the consequences. Evaluating the risk involves determining if the risk magnitude is acceptable or tolerable and then treating the risks based on this research, it may mean modifying behaviours, policy, procedures and processes to achieve the desirable level.

The hazard may be both internal and external. The following things may contribute to your risk profile:

  • Environmental
  • Personnel Loss
  • Political Changes
  • Economic & Sociological
  • Technological
  • Legal
  • Ethics
  • Risk Management for Crowded Places

Hazard and Risk Management

We encourage Directors and Senior Management to become involved in safety walks so that they gain an understanding of ‘leading indicators’ rather than relying on ‘lagging indicators’ that form the KPI’s that most businesses often rely upon.

Let us create easy systems for you to keep on top of potential hazards and associated risk by setting in place regular internal hazard & risk assessments. Regular checks in the form of a Risk Register including an Action Plan encourages key stakeholders to take responsibility for overseeing progress.

How regular the internal checks are will depend on the type of business undertaken.

We always recommend six monthly external work place checks so the workplace and organisation is viewed from an outside source. This will give you confirmation you are on the right track. The tools for Hazard and Risk management can include inspections, worker concerns, formal and informal meetings, surveys, suggestion boxes, walk through hazard identification, risk registers and action plans.

Information System

The information system will vary depending on individual requirements and the scale of the operation. In most cases this can start with a manual system and develop from that point into more sophisticated systems. With all the exciting new technological advances we can tap into systems for example Apps so that your organisation can become much more than ‘tick the box’ compliant. The information system is required to be available to all stakeholders and the most basic system would record and hold some, if not all of the list provided here.

Some of the information contained within this system would be required to be displayed on signs in work zones, noticeboards and be readily available to the workers. Data and other information would be shared on internal servers, data systems and via email.

Basic Information Recorded

  • Policy Statements
  • Procedures & Guidelines
  • Processes
  • Codes of Practice
  • Risk Registers
  • Action Plans
  • Job Safety Analysis (JSA’s)
  • Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)
  • Take 5’s toolbox meetings
  • Incident and near miss reports
  • Training manuals
  • Emergency Plans
  • Chemical registers
  • Visitors register
  • Maintenance Records
  • Induction records
  • Contractor Induction and accreditation
  • First Aid Kit Registers
  • Electrical Test & Tag Register

Develop a Care Culture

This is such an important part of any organisation. Care culture must come from the top of the organisation with management setting the example.  Over time with positive reinforcement, workers and other stakeholders not only adapt but take ownership of their personal health and safety and the health and the safety of others.

An example of this is a company we are familiar with that brought their incidents and injuries down by 86% over a 3½ year period. Just over 50% of this was achieved by compliance and controls that were put in place very early in the management system but just as important in bringing down the number of incidents was the care culture that was developed over the following months and years.


We can provide coaching and mentoring for personnel within your organisation. If you require specialised training we can recommend providers of high risk training and licensed courses.

We use a system designed around developing a ‘Strategic Safety Plan’ in a workshop with your workers. This ‘Safety Plan’ will be developed with all stakeholders contributing to developing the plan and having roles to play within the Strategic Safety Plan. Phone today and allow us to get your team together to achieve a safer workplace!

Total Product Management

This is a modern way of managing risks by empowering workers to identify potential problems with machinery and plant they control or operate so that issues can be addressed or maintenance undertaken before a major problem arises. The worker can perform this maintenance under defined guidelines or can organise the shutdown to coincide with less busy production times.


All organisations require checks to study the efficiency of people in their working environment whether it be while working at a desk, work station or standing for long hours operating a machine. Workers posture is key and another area of early prevention that can lessen the risk of any long term losses for the organisation.

Emergency Plans and Procedures

Using AS 3745-2010 we can develop and create an emergency plan in conjunction with both your Emergency Planning Committee (EPO) and Emergency Control Organisation (ECO). We can then assist with ongoing evaluation of emergency drills and review of the plans and procedures with any changing circumstances at the organisation.

Crowded Places Risk Management

Planning involving terrorist activities. As we know the world has become a crazy place with radicalised groups carrying out activities that are designed to cause maximum damage to human lives and disrupt services. The media coverage is then delivered around the world, in most cases live to air. These incidents historically focus on crowded special events but now they are carried out in random public areas and by a weapon nearly everyone has and can use – a vehicle!

We can work with you to focus on the risks involved in any area used for larger community events.

24 Hours Incident Response and Investigation

No one can plan when accidents and incidents will occur. We offer a 24-hour service so the site of any incident can be preserved, secured and the relevant emergency services called and regulator’s informed. We will then work through the investigation process or offer consultancy on the best way to manage the incident investigation.

Early Intervention Programs – Work and Be Healthy

We have over 30 years’ experience in the health and well-being industry and would be more than happy to develop some strategies for the overall development of individuals health so the working environment provides more than just work!

There are huge benefits for organisations if the public liability and workers compensation claims can be reduced.

It can become fun and wouldn’t it be great if by working at your organisation everyone felt mentally and physically better!

Book a free consultation

We offer a free, no obligation, in person consultation and quotation.

Just fill in your details in the form below and one of our specialists will be in touch.